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J.A. Saare's Bookshelf

Dead, Undead and Somewhere in Between, Urban Fantasy

Read an exclusive "Eyes On Me" a Rhiannon & Disco vignette

Read an exclusive "More Than Words" a Rhiannon & Disco Vingnette

Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between by J.A. Saare

Publisher: Mundania Press
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Excerpt #2

I took my time walking down Goose’s street. Brooklyn Heights was a nice area and relatively safe to wander on your own. It was quiet, a few people walking across the street in the opposite direction. I unwittingly drifted into Never-Never-Land, combining thoughts about my past, present, and future. Things didn’t turn out the way I thought, and I wasn’t sure how I’d reached this point. But now that I was here, I didn’t know what to do or what to expect.

I thought of Disco and that wrenching sensation of being torn in two overwhelmed me, something that happened each time I pictured his face or those heavenly golden blue eyes. I had never been so conflicted in my life. Normally I knew exactly where I stood in situations, but not so much anymore. The black and white areas that governed my decisions just took on a huge middle ground of grey.

My daftness proved to be my undoing yet again. I thwacked into an older woman with her mixed breed ankle biter, our shoulders knocking each other off course. I took the "watch where the fuck you’re going" in stride, nodding and muttering a half-assed apology, eager to get downwind of the Icy Hot wafting off her body and into my nose.

I closed my eyes and groaned when I heard chuckling. Disco was gentleman enough to laugh out loud instead of startling the piss out of me, but it didn’t erase the fact he was laughing. Being humiliated always made me cranky.

“You do have a short attention span,” he teased, and I glanced up.

He was waiting on the stairs, eyes sparkling in amusement. Dear God, would I always find ways to look like an asshole in his presence?

I was grateful I’d decided to make the extra effort with my appearance because he had too. He was dressed in his color of choice, but the shirt was a nice long sleeve button down, the collar open around his throat. His dress slacks were a matching black and his trench coat was gone. He’d also left his honey blond hair unkempt and I worried he’d read my mind the night I thought about just how amazing it made him look.

“Laugh it up,” I sighed.

He was busy taking me in, starting at my feet and working his way up. He approved of my change of attire and wanted me to know it, taking his time and allowing his eyes to linger. I shifted my face away, annoyed by my awkwardness.

“You look delectable.” He used his uncanny speed to close the distance between us. I didn’t have time to contain a quiet gasp. My face jolted upward from his shirt to his face. Meeting his eyes, I was utterly transfixed by the shifting colors. “I’m going to buy an entire wardrobe consisting of things just like this for you.”

How do you respond to a remark like that? I had no clue, and at the present moment, I didn’t care. His close proximity made me remember that heat I experienced on the couch in his foyer, and this time I couldn’t completely fault the blood. I was attracted to Disco whether I wanted to be or not, and he knew it. The smart thing to do would have been to back away, but I didn’t want to. That grey area expanded, melding black and white together until there was no concept of right or wrong.

Read Excerpt #1