Coming SOon

J.A. Saare's Bookshelf

Crimson Moon, Paranormal Romance

Crimson Moon by J.A. Saare

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Excerpt #2

“Emma.” Caleb placed his hand on my leg and I turned to him, biting back a gasp. He had silently moved across the distance and was right beside me. The incredible woodsy scent that clung to his jacket was so much better, so much sweeter, radiating from the direct source.

The thought, wolf, entered my mind.

“Yeah,” I croaked, causing him to chuckle softly.

“We’re almost there, and I think I should prepare you before we arrive.” He kept his hand on my leg and my body was keenly aware of his touch and nearness. It created the oddest sensation, nearly an electricity. I could feel each and every one of his fingers individually across my jeans.

“Okay?” I managed to keep my voice even, breathing the word in a soft exhale.

The warmth of his breath caressed my face and my eyelids fluttered. His eyes met my own, moving down my nose until they rested on my lips. Shyness caused me to avert my face. My gaze flickered down, eyes freezing on his chest. My heart was racing erratically, somersaulting over and over, excited and very much alive. His nearness swamped me, the mere touch of his hand on my leg so distracting, I couldn’t think clearly.

“You always do that,” he whispered thickly.

I felt his knuckle nudge my chin, forcing my eyes upward. I looked into his face but he wasn’t smiling anymore. His expression changed to something that made my breath cling in my throat. Our eyes locked–green hazel clashing with the darkest blue. I raised my hand until it touched his, unaware I had even moved.

Derek cleared his throat, breaking the spell.

I shook my head, leaning back and blinking, slightly disoriented and extremely embarrassed. I did not react to men–much less strange men–like this. A disappointed rumble emitted from Caleb but he allowed space between us.

“This place isn’t exactly where I’d hoped to take you.” Caleb’s voice was a seductive caress that made my skin prickle and thrum. My eyes fluttered and my heart pounded.

As if sensing my reaction he smiled slightly, lifting the corners of his lips. “When we go inside, keep the jacket on, don’t take it off. My scent will mark you. It’s best we keep together inside. We couldn’t tell anyone we were coming, just Sam and his people know.”

“So.” My voice came out raspy and hoarse. “You want me to act like we’re a couple?”

“Do you think that would be too hard?”

Read Excerpt #1

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